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Wayne Action for Racial Equality

Please consider helping us today!

Your tax-deductible contributions will be used to fund our scholarships (which have empowered students since 1989), our anti-racism billboards, or any of our other advocacy efforts.

Option #1

Send a check.

Please make checks payable to "Wayne Action for Racial Equality" and send to:

P. O. BOX 324
Sodus, NY 14551

In the memo, please tell us how you would like us to use your contribution: general use, scholarships, or our anti-racism billboards.

Option #2

PayPal or credit card.

This option is powered by PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account to use a credit card.

Please note that a percentage of your donation will go directly to PayPal, not us. You will be given the option to compensate for this fee.