Advocacy and compassion since 1985
Wayne Action for Racial Equality (WARE) was formed in 1985 to build community in Wayne County, NY based on the ideal of racial equality and the end of racism. WARE believes that no one is born a racist, but recognizes that the historical damage caused by racism hurts everyone in different ways. Racism is a by-product of misinformation which we all have received and now need to confront. WARE struggles against racism by working to uncover the role racism has played in our collective history. In the illuminating process of exposing racism, WARE endeavors to shape a future where the process of change is as important as the product and blame and/or divisiveness is replaced with direct action, community education/engagement and advocacy.
Such work demands consistent ad-hoc planning and strategizing to counteract instances of racism as they arise and a long-term commitment to celebrate the accomplishments of people who struggle (or have struggled) against racism. WARE investigates recent information about racism through research, books, workshops and networking with others to learn how racism is perpetuated and how the cycle can be broken. We share the findings with members at our monthly meetings and through group email communications. We engage and educate the public with postings on our Facebook page and by sponsoring community forums and periodic actions.