2024 Timothy Barber Memorial Scholarship Winners
Meet the 2024 Timothy Barber Memorial Scholarship Winners.

Leah Yonge, a graduate of Clyde-Savannah High School plans to attend Cornell University and major in Animal Science with a pre-veterinary concentration. Leah was the Clyde-Savannah Student Council president her senior year as well as recipient of numerous high school awards including Principal’s Honor Roll, scholar athlete, and Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas Scholarships. Leah is often selected by teachers and her peers for opportunities involving social justice or community service. She recognizes that the first steps in making everyone feel accepted to reach their full potential is to make sure that those voices that are often silenced are heard.

Danielle Carr, is a graduate of Clyde-Savannah High School. She plans on attending Keuka College to major in Criminal Justice with a minor in forensic chemistry. She is particularly interested in exploring the behind-the-scenes crime solving work as a forensic scientist or crime scene investigator. Danielle was inducted into the Rochester Urban League of Scholars and into the Clyde-Savannah chapter of the National Honor Society. She intends to use her own talent and interests to make a positive impact on our community by remaining free of bias and judgment of others, treating all with humanity and compassion.

Jaelyn Drain, a graduate of Pal-Mac High School will be attending St. John Fisher University to study Nursing. Jaelyn studied in the New Visions Program through the Wayne Technical Career Center with a goal of becoming a critical care and trauma specialist. Jaelyn was a six-time Pal-Mac Scholar-Athlete, a four-sport varsity athlete, and a member of Model UN. Jaelyn seeks to help people in need and support them to enable each person to feel accepted and secure.
For information about the Timothy Barber Scholarship please visit the W.A.R.E. website at: http://wayneaction.org/scholarship and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WayneActionForRacialEquality/.
You may also contact the scholarship committee at:
Wayne Action for Racial Equality, c/o Timothy Barber Memorial Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 324
Sodus, NY 14551
Or send an email to: timothybarberscholarships@gmail.com.